In order to calculate the air freight, the following parameters are taken into account:
Chargeable weight (CW - Chargeable weight): In order to find the chargeable weight, the gross weight is compared with the volume weight. Whichever weight is greater is accepted as the chargeable weight.
Tariff of the material: Various tariffs are applied according to the classification of the products. We can divide them as General Cargo Rates (GCR-General Cargo Rates), Special Cargo Rates (SCR-Specific Cargo Rates), Class Rates (CR-Class Rate). Different tariffs are applied for dangerous goods, live animals, valuable cargo, funerals, newspapers/magazines/books/catalogues, etc., passenger baggage sent as cargo, etc. It should be taken into account that some products are not allowed to be transported by air or not all products are carried by every airline.
Whether the freight is to be paid by the sender or the consignee: PREPAID or COLLECT
Stackable/non-stackable properties of the material: If the products cannot be stacked, extra chargeable weight information should be obtained from the airline. Extra volume weight information can only be calculated by the airline as it varies depending on factors such as aircraft type, the space it will occupy in the aircraft, in-flight planning, density at the destination.
Dimensions of the material: It is necessary to check whether the container dimensions are suitable for airline transport and whether extra volume tariffs will be applied. Attention should be paid to aircraft dimensions. Generally, if the dimensions of a container exceed 300 cm length/200 cm width/160 cm height, the airline applies an extra volume weight fee.
Airline freight for a prepaid General Cargo class cargo is calculated as follows:
Gross weight (GW - Gross weight): The weight of the cargo in grams.
Gross weight rounded up (AW - Actual weight): Gross weight is rounded according to carrier rules.
Volume weight (VW - Volume weight) = Number of pieces x (length cm x width cm x height cm)/6000
Chargeable weight (CW - Chargeable weight): To find the chargeable weight, the gross weight is compared with the volume weight. Whichever weight is greater is accepted as the chargeable weight.
The freight calculation for a 100*120*80 100 kg 2 container General Cargo class prepaid export cargo from Istanbul to Frankfurt by air is as follows:
TK Frankfurt per kg: 1,10 USD
TK Bill of Lading fee: 120 USD
Additional Charges (Cgc fee): 15 USD
First, gross weight and volume weight are compared:
Gross weight: 100 kg x 2 containers = 200 kg
Volume weight: ((100 x 120 x 80) x 2 containers) / 6000 = 320 kg
Here, since the volume weight is more than the gross weight, the weight based on the fee is calculated over 320 kg.
In this case, the figure to be invoiced to the sender is as follows:
Freight: 1,10 USD X 320 kg =352 USD
Bill of Lading: 120 USD
Additional Costs: USD 15
Total Fee: 352 USD + 120 USD + 15 USD = 487 USD